James Horner - Bravehearth (Ltd, Ed....

James Horner - Bravehearth (Ltd, Ed. 2 CD - CD

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1-1                  Main Title       2:51

1-2                  A Gift Of A Thistle      1:38

1-3                  Wallace Courts Murron         4:25

1-4                  The Secret Wedding   6:33

1-5                  Attack On Murron      3:00

1-6                  Revenge          6:24

1-7                  Murron's Burial          2:14

1-8                  Making Plans / Gathering The Clans 1:52

1-9                  "Sons Of Scotland"     6:20

1-10                The Battle Of Stirling 5:57

1-11                For The Love Of A Princess    4:07

1-12                Falkirk 4:04

1-13                Betrayal & Desolation           7:48

1-14                Mornay's Dream        1:16

1-15                The Legend Spreads   1:09

1-16                The Princess Pleads For Wallace's Life         3:38

1-17                "Freedom" / The Execution Bannockburn     7:24

1-18                End Credits     7:15

More Music From Braveheart         

2-1                  Prologue: "I shall tell you of William Wallace" (Narrator: Robert the Bruce)        3:35

2-2                  Outlawed Tunes on Outlawed Pipes 2:03

2-3                  The Royal Wedding (Narrator: Robert the Bruce)   2:12

2-4                  "The trouble with Scotland" (King Edward the Longshanks)            0:40

2-5                  Scottish Wedding Music        1:14

2-6                  Prima Noctes  1:46

2-7                  The Proposal (William Wallace and Murron)          6:31

2-8                  "Scotland is free!" (William Wallace)           0:17

2-9                  Point of War / Johnny Cope / Up in the Morning Early       2:59

2-10                Conversing with the Almighty (Stephen, William Wallace, Hamish, Campbell)    1:20

2-11                The Road to the Isles / Glendaruel Highlanders / The Old Rustic Bridge by the Mill        3:52

2-12                "Sons of Scotland!" (William Wallace)          12:09

2-13                Vision of Murron        1:45

2-14                "Unite the clans!" (William Wallace)            0:23

2-15                The Legends Spreads (Scottish Storytellers) 1:07

2-16                "Why do you help me?" (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)   0:37

2-17                For the Love of a Princess      4:05

2-18                "Not every man really lives" (William Wallace and Princess Isabelle)       4:09

2-19                "The prisoner wishes to say a word" (The Executioner and William Wallace)       3:43

2-20                "After the beheading" (Robert the Bruce)    1:48

2-21                "You have bled with Wallace!" (Robert the Bruce)  1:22

2-22                Warrior Poets (William Wallace)      0:29

2-23                Scotland the Brave / The Badge of Scotland / The Meeting of the Waters            2:47

2-24                Leaving Glen Urquhart / The Highland Plaid / Jock Wilson's Ball   3:32

2-25                Kirkill / The Argyllshire Gathering / The Braemar Highland Gathering     4:08

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