Cartoons were a Eurodance band from Denmark with a cartoon look. The group had two hit songs in the UK Top 10 and are best known for their tracks "Witch Doctor" and "DooDah".
The band consisted of Martin Østengaard AKA Toonie (lead vocals & backing vocals), Jesper Dukholt AKA Sponge (6) (saxophone, keyboards & bass vocals), Erling...
Søren Nystrøm Rasted
Lazyboy is a project of Aqua's producer Søren Rasted.
Released under the name Lazy-B in the UK, to avoid confusion with the UK act Lazyboy.
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Italian house project started in 1989. FPI stands for Fratty Presti Intrallazzi.
Current members are Marco Fratty, Corrado Presti and Sharon May Linn.
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Musical duo from Milan formed by brothers Carmelo and Michelangelo La Bionda, who are considered the inventors of Italian disco music.
Started out as songwriters in the theater, and later pursued a career as musicians & record producers.
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Joel Eriksson aka Jol and Erik Niklasson from Plej formed The Similou during the Gonkyburg era. They signed to DNM - Dealers Of Nordic Music and took on the pseudonyms of Dizzy Crane (Joel) and Jesse Nectar (Erik) respectively. One of their early songs, Supernova Sky, featured Yukimi Nagano of Little Dragon fame. After that, Erik started singing and The...
Robin Miriam Carlsson
Robyn (Born June 12, 1979 in Stockholm, Sweden) is a Swedish singer. songwriter, producer and a DJ. She founded Konichiwa Records in 2005.
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P.M. Dawn was founded in 1988 in Jersey City, New Jersey (USA) by the two brothers Attrell S. Cordes (a.k.a. Prince Be) and Jarrett Cordes (a.k.a. DJ Minute Mix). In 2005
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